This is a list of all packages available from homebrew-hep.
apfel | 3.1.1 | PDF Evolution Library |
apfel++ | 4.8.0 | Object oriented rewriting of the APFEL evolution code |
applgrid | 1.6.36 | Quickly reproduce NLO calculations with any input PDFs |
cernlib | 2023.08.14.0 | CERN library |
chaplin | 1.2 | Complex Harmonic Polylogarithms in Fortran |
f2c | 2024.02.22 | Compiler from Fortran to C |
fastjet | 3.4.3 | Package for jet finding in pp and ee collisions |
fastnlo | 2.5.0 | Fast pQCD calculations for PDF fits |
fjcontrib | 1.055 | Package of contributed add-ons to FastJet |
hepmc2 | 2.06.11 | C++ event record for Monte Carlo generators |
hepmc3 | 3.2.7 | C++ event record for Monte Carlo generators |
herwig | 7.3.0 | Monte Carlo event generator |
hoppet | 1.2.0 | QCD DGLAP evolution |
jetvheto | 3.0.0 | NNLL resummation for jet-veto efficiencies and cross sections |
lhapdf | 6.5.4 | PDF interpolation and evaluation |
madgraph5_amcatnlo | 3.5.5 | Automated LO and NLO processes matched to parton showers |
mcfm | 10.3 | Monte Carlo for FeMtobarn processes |
mcgrid | 2.0.2 | Projecting cross section calculations on grids |
nlojet++ | 4.1.3 | LO and NLO cross sections |
openloops | 2.1.3 | Fully automated implementation of the Open Loops algorithm |
partons | 4.0 | PARtonic Tomography Of Nucleon Software |
pythia | 8.310 | Monte Carlo event generator |
qcdnum | 18.0.0 | Fast PDF evolution |
rivet | 3.1.10 | Monte Carlo analysis system |
sherpa | 2.2.16 | Monte Carlo event generator |
thepeg | 2.3.0 | Toolkit for high energy physics event generation |
topdrawer | 1.4e | SLAC interface for generating physics graphs |
ugs | 2.10e | SLAC Unified Graphics System |
vbfnlo | 3.0.0beta5 | Parton-level Monte Carlo for processes with electroweak bosons |
whizard | 3.1.4 | Monte Carlo event generator |
yoda | 1.9.10 | Yet more Objects for Data Analysis |